Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Black Friday!!

Only two weeks til.... BLACK FRIDAY!


We usually are not, although Mattie and I do like to go to the mall and have lunch and we NEVER leave with out Mrs. Fields Cookies YUM.

This year I am really interested in seeing what deals they will have,
the economy is YUCK, and so I am hoping for WONDERFUL deals.
Maybe, wishful thinking?

So there are several web sights you can check out.

So you can scope the deal sooner, and keep checking the sight, because they post them when they get them.

Kev, and I are scoping out again for TV's. We bought two flat screens last year, on


Got a way good deal, so now that our oldest is 13 we thought we would get him a nicer TV.
Other then that, not sure if I dare to venture out !

I have never been in a fight, but have seen some NAUGHTY mommies and daddies,
pushing and pulling over a TOY!!

My kids will live without, if it becomes a fight or a hassle!!

The only thing I drove all over UTAH for was, for Mattie of course
The Babblin Boo doll, off of Monster's INC.
So, what are you scoping out or hoping for??


Anonymous said...

I dont usually go but I did go last year and it was FUN! I am hoping for some great deals this year too. I want a roomba!

Heidi Rogers said...

A roomba? I have no idea what that is, but I am sure you have been very good and Santa will bring it. I will google it and find out what it is.

Tafoya Family said...

I have always been a black friday shopper. Since I was like 12 my mom took my one time to get something for my brother and sister and it just stuck. I love it and drag my mom and sister out every year. One time my sister was so sick of shopping she actually slept in the car while me and my mom shopped. I have never seen anyone fight. But a couple years back I did hear the screams from across walmart over the cabbage patch dolls. We will definatly be out on Friday. It's my favorite day. But I am looking forward to Twilight next week as well. See ya out there........

McMillan Family said...

I am not a Black Friday shopper. Brian likes the deals and so he will probably go alone while I sleep.

Three K's and Two P's said...

You will be out shopping for me a birthday gift so you better find me something good. Fight for something good for me!! LOL!

Jill said...

There is nothing I want or need bad enough to deal with the complete CHAOS of insane people getting vicious and I don't give up much for my sleep. I did go once a few years ago but just for fun and it was cool...because I wasn't stressed about HAVING to have anything!!