Kev went up camping with a bunch of guys, so the kids and I went to the Roy Water Park!!It was really fun, it was nice because Mattie and Brohlen just played in the kiddie pool and I got to lay out and relax.
So, I had to say something POSITIVE about our swimming adventure... WHY??
OOH I will tell ya, I did not want to go, I gained a bit of weight and put my swimming suit on and OOOH BOY did I look like YES, that is RASPUTIA from Norbit the movie!! So, I had to buy a new swimming suit and there was some slim pickins @ Target today. I also HATE getting my picture taken, I am my worst critic EVER!! Mattie snuck one in of me and it is time for me to SHAPE UP. Although I did have a lot of fun swimming and I did not go thru any fence when I went down the water slide.
First off, Heidi -- you look adorable!! My stomach looks like a map with all of the stretch marks. I've forever destined to wear "mom swimsuits". I love the Roy Aquatic Center! Seeing your pictures made me homesick... looks like fun!!!
I think you look great! No one thinks they look good in a swimsuit. I always just think that at whatever swimming pool we're at, there has to be at least one person that looks worse in a swimsuit than I do! It makes me feel just a little bit better!
We love that place. We usually go every Tuesday. I think you look great too. Of course I am 6 months pregnant and I still show up in my suit. ;) I am sure people wish that I wouldn't.
I love that pool and want to go when I come out! We'll have to do a big pool party! look cute and skinny. What the crap are you talking girl????
Becky, I think pregnant belly's are the cutest ever. So I am glad you show off your adorable belly.
That is a very fun pool, I wish Layton would come around and get one. Surf-n-Swim is SO twenty years ago.
ps. I just went private with my blog but if you will email me your email I will add you! I would love it!!!
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